Artificial Intelligence Featured Video of My Talk, "Language, Technology, & Care" Watch the video of my recent talk, "Language, Technology, & Care." Let me know what you think!
Artificial Intelligence Language, Technology, & Care Humanity's challenge is designing how to pursue technological progress within a broader context of care, not mere "values" that are relative to imperatives of efficiency and optimization.
Artificial Intelligence Frictionless Spinning in the Void: AI is Not 'There' More than ever, we need to bring into focus and nurture those aspects of being human that escape notice when we focus on our calculating, rationalizing, and cognizing abilities.
Artificial Intelligence Featured Care, Machines, & Nihilism Human language is inseparable from our embodied engagement in the world, amidst other people, in pursuit of what matters.
Artificial Intelligence Featured Can Machines Be in Language? Our way of having language is deeply intertwined with our propensity to care. Machines do not and cannot care.
Heidegger Featured Ontology, What is it Good For? (Being and Time, §3) Heidegger's ambition to make his brand of "fundamental ontology" reign over all other fields of scientific inquiry partakes in the pretensions of old-fashioned, traditional metaphysics.
Artificial Intelligence Featured Navigating the AI Conversation, Part One We denizens of the 21st century have been thrown into the age of planetary AI. What kind of human beings are we going to become? How can we learn to make sense of our historical moment?
Heidegger Featured “Who’s Asking?” - Spelling out the Question of Being (Being and Time, §2) Our tendency to inquire into being is continuous with our tendency to wonder whether life has any meaning.
Heidegger Featured Strange Familiarity, Part One Traditional philosophers related to the world like it was a strangely unfamiliar kitchen.
Heidegger What is Being? Indeed. Today we continue our inquiry into being. We dig into Being and Time, section 2: “The Formal Structure of the Question of Being.” We encounter Heidegger’s provisional and perplexing definition of “being” itself.
Heidegger Getting in Touch with Being (Being and Time §1) This week we focus on the first section of Being and Time, “The Necessity for Explicitly Restating the Question of Being.” This section begins to reveal that we have a sense for being that is deeper than knowledge.
Heidegger Featured What is Ontology and Why Does it Matter? Beginning with Heidegger’s Being and Time. This week, we have the first installment of our exploration of Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927). Today, we are beginning only with the first page of the book. The motto is: Welcome to Ontological Perplexity